Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Healthy or not?

In a world where so many are watching their waistlines, protecting their hearts and fighting teenage obesity, why do I still see shows that promote terrible eating patterns? I was watching a show that had the best pigout places in the USA. 7 pound burritos, 12" pancakes, 96 oz steaks. All of these places rewarded patrons for eating these items in record time too. Then there was the deep fried everything cafe.....you want it - they fry it. But the kiss of death - literally - was a cafe run by a former nutritionist offering triple and quadruple bypass burgers (4 patties, tons of cheese and a roll toasted with lard) accompanies by the all you can eat fry bar - also all cooked in lard. Don't we have the government coming down on all trans fats and preventing kids from eating junk food in the schools? Don't many of the chain restaurants have to post nutritional values in their establishments? Isn't Jared a star for eating at Subway? What is wrong with this picture?

So how can this place exist? Of course there is a reward for eating the monster burger here - a wheelchair ride out by pretty "nurses" aka waitresses. Is it the decadence? The desire for comfort food? Rebellion? The scantily clad naughty nurses? Or merely "I don't give a darn anymore - I just want it"? Should we hold the next Biggest Loser auditions here? Hey, now there's an idea.....

I also heard a disturbing fact on the news the other day about how Americans are no longer eating well due to the economy. We are collectively eating more fast food ($1menus), processed items (10 for $1 style sales in grocery stores) and quitting the gym. This scares me to death in a country that has the highest obesity rate in the world.

OK...so the gym can get expensive - but there is walking, running, swimming at a local lake (summer time), and other activities that are very inexpensive or free to do. Sure there are the bucket of chickens for cheap - but there is also (at least at my grocery store) a $15 menu of rotisserie chicken and healthier sides. 10 for $10 frozen vegetable sales - still pretty healthy if you can't do organic or fresh. Farmer's markets have begun - check them out because a lot of times they are a great way to eat fresh and cheaper!

Do we really have to resort to overprocessed, fat and sugar saturated items to save money? I hope not....they don't even taste good. Don't settle for inferior food. Eat smarter, eat better and worse case eat a little less - especially if you quit the gym!

Stay healthy - we all need to be in peak form to get through these tough times. God knows we won't be able to afford health care soon.

If you need some help in preparing healthier options - contact Home Plate Advantage at www.HomePlateAdv.com

Thanks for listening....

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